We all know the adage that no man is an island. Joining an online community can help you grow as an artist and professional. You’ll be getting countless practical beginner nail tech tips, real-life scenarios, best-selling nail product recommendations, and more.
It can be lonely sometimes to work all by yourself, which is why the iGel Beauty Online Community is here to help you learn, create and stay inspired every step of your nail tech journey. Everyone is welcome regardless of your professional level, whether you’re a newbie, DIY-enthusiast, or an experienced nail artist!
You can read our blog, Love Letter to iGel Beauties, about how being a part of the Facebook group helped me connect with them as a creative. Here are the top five reasons you should hit that join button and be a part of our group!
Benefits of joining the iGel Beauty online community:
1. Get plenty of nail art design inspirations
Sometimes working from your home nail salon can make you feel isolated, which can lead to a creative block. Sometimes scrolling through social media feeds won't cut it. Joining our Facebook community will make it easier for you to recreate nail art designs using specific products from other iGel Beauties.
You'll be surprised how active the community is and encouraging when it comes to sharing nail sets, from blossom gel nails to DIY press-on nails. A nail tech or a nail salon owner must keep their creative well filled with ideas to make their clients fall head over heels for them.
2. Stay updated to the latest product launches and sales of iGel Beauty
If you're a massive fan of iGel Beauty products, joining our online community will keep you in the loop regarding product launches, restocks, and deals like the 60% sale.
You can also request products in the group; use the #productrequests and other hashtags in the community, so don't be shy to be vocal, and the group admins will respond to you asap!
You'll be seeing numerous nail mail photos from other iGel Beauties, so you can't help but feel the excitement they feel every time they get one. It's an instant mood lifter whenever you feel stressed or uninspired.
3. Learn from iGel Beauty’s demos and product tutorial videos
Our online community should be your go-to if you're looking for a place to hone your skills and learn how to use nail products effectively. iGel Beauty's mission is to let iGel Beauties master their skills through their numerous online product demos and lives.
It's a collective where nail artists come together and share tips and tricks. There are plenty of resources you can take advantage of in the community, such as the shared blogs and youtube links, informational posts, and sometimes meaningful discussions about nail trends and beauty hacks.
4. Belong in a community that inspires and helps you grow
There's no place for hate and discrimination in our online community. We want to foster a collective that spreads positivity and builds each other up. You're in good hands if that sounds right up your alley. We're here to make your life more colorful, and beautiful that goes beyond nail art designs. You'll probably laugh from memes to finding yourself relating to personal stories.
If you're a newbie in the nail industry or a DIY enthusiast, you'll get more than what you're expecting. Think of us as your big ol sisters you can run through for a shoulder to cry on or for business advice; whether it's a question for personal branding or nail art designs photography, we're ready to help you out!
5. Meet new people and connections
Yes, another perk of being in the community is you'll meet many people virtually. Don't fret; if you're the type of gal who likes to grab a cup of coffee to chat, you'll find your tribe there. Every nail salon owner and nail tech knows the importance of building meaningful connections that can boost your career and help you grow as a person.
It's hard not to gravitate towards a community of talented and hardworking people. Whether juggling motherhood or dealing with self-doubt, our online community is here to empower you!
You don't have to walk alone in your nail tech journey; we're here for you! See for yourself why our 27.1K plus members are ever-growing. Join our Facebook page, and we'll see you there!